Are you getting the most out of your email marketing list? If your email database isn’t segmented, you’re probably not. Segmentation is the process by which your email marketing list can be split up, or segmented, into different subscriber categories. What kinds of categories? Modern email …
Digital Marketing
Why You Should Prioritize Function Over Style in Web Design
Are you concerned with owning a “good looking” website? ...Or are you concerned with owning a website that converts visitors into customers? Fancy, flashy websites are often little more than ego-gratifying online calling cards, either on behalf of the designer or the business owner, who …
Why You Should Have a Firm That REALLY Knows SEO Design Your Website
Did you know that the vast majority of search engine users never scroll past the first page of results? What’s more, these same users generally click on organic search results over paid ads, even if they’re above the organic search results. Estimates vary, but it’s generally believed that …